Various research papers I have written [or co-authored] regarding earth history have appeared in print over the years. Some appear for the first time here on CreationHistory.com. It is my hope that they will help you better understand the relationship between biblical history and the world around you. And for those interested in the fossil record, especially as it relates to the geologic periods, it is my desire that the CCC model will aid you in interpreting the data from a scientific yet biblical perspective.
For more information about the CCC model, click here
Geological Evidence of Early Man
In the previous century, much was written about the finding of Tertiary Man and his artifacts. This material is little noted or discussed today when Man is viewed as having an extremely short geological history. It is time to reexamine the evidence presented by competent scientists and experts of the past century, without allowing evolutionary bias to interfere.
Is God Relevant in a Scientific World?
While the majority of the world's inhabitants profess a belief in God, a minority are either agnostics or atheists. What evidences are there for God's existence? And even more importantly, is this God relevant in our lives? Here in a question and answer format are some answers to these vital questions.
Is the Earth Young or Old?
Perhaps no subject has been more controversial among Creationists than the question of how much time the Bible allows since the Creation. Young Earth Creationists say only thousands of years. Old Earth Creationists say much longer -- probably millions or billions of years like evolutionary scientists accept.
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument —Beauty from a Chaotic Past
The John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is a prime geologic and fossil area in the state of Oregon, USA. It's catastrophic origin testifies to significant events in the world after the Flood.
Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park –A Kansas Witness to the Ancient Changing Earth
A vast inland sea once split North America in half. The chalk beds of that sea bear witness to events before the Flood.
The Nampa Image—An Ancient Artifact?
Robert E. Gentet and Edward C. Lain
The July 1889 find in Nampa, Idaho, of a small human figure during a well-drilling operation caused intense scientific interest last century. Unmistakably made by human hands, it was found at a depth (320’) which would appear to place its age far before the expected arrival of man in this part of the world, according to accepted evolutionary dating techniques.
Recomended Reading
Many good books are available on Creation/evolutionism. Here's a starter list I especially recommend.
Ten Principles of Creation and Science
Creation is the process by which God brings things into existence. Science is the knowledge of God's creation, imperfect as it may be. Science by its very nature does not claim to know perfectly the workings of God's universe. The reason for this is quite simple: the Mind of God from which all things ultimately originate is past finding out.
The Time Element of Psalm 104:5-9
Psalm 104, verses 5-9 have been used by Creationists in various ways. For some it is a parallel account to the original creation narrative in Genesis 1. Others say it speaks of the Genesis Flood Event of Genesis 6-8. Which does it describe - Creation or the Flood?
When Dinosaurs Roamed Texas
Dinosaur fossils have been found worldwide. How do these strange, ancient creatures fit into the Bible? A visit to Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas helps us understand.
Where Did It All Come From?
The question of where did everything come from is one of the most basic of all human questions. What does the Bible tell us? And, what's the latest scientific thought?
Why the Bible Should be Interpreted Literally
A high school student wrote to us asking why we think the Bible is to be interpreted literally. Here is the answer I gave her.