Other Writings
Creation is a central issue of the Bible. The Book of Genesis begins with Creation and the Book of Revelation ends with the New Creation. But between Genesis and Revelation, the Bible contains much other information. Here are some messages about other subjects of interest.
The ENIGMA of the Book of Job
The Old Testament book of Job is one of the strangest books in the entire Bible.
A Shadow of Things to Come
All creation points to the need for something greater, a new creation! See how God does this through the New Covenant.
Is God Hard to Find?
In one real sense of the word, for as long as I can remember, God has always been easy for me to find. As I look at His marvelous creation, I can't help but see and sense His almighty power.
Is God Listening?
Doesn't the Bible teach that if we do good we reap good and if we do evil we reap evil? Earnest believers in Christ regularly confess their sins and know that through the shed blood of Christ they receive forgiveness. Yet the toll of human suffering continues in one form or another upon the forgiven Christian.
LIFE — God’s Gift
There's a lot of life issues today. To put them into proper perspective, one must start with the basic reality that there is a Life Giver!
The 1000 Years — What Does That Mean?
The fundamental purpose of the paper is to give a brief review of the intent of Revelation 20:1-6. It is the desire of the author to let the Bible speak for itself and to give a biblical interpretation regarding the meaning of the 1,000 years mentioned in Revelation twenty.
The Brain and the Bible
. . .Of all the objects in the universe, the human brain is the most complex. There are as many neurons in the brain as there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy. . .
The Creator's Solution to Worry
. . .Worrying is like spinning your wheels. It gets you nowhere fast and actually inflicts harm. Did you ever see a car spin its wheels and the resulting clouds of burning rubber? It's a good way to quickly wear out your tires!. . .
The God of Creation
. . .The truth that God is the Creator of all things is not a side-issue of the Bible. It is basic! It is fundamental. It’s the Good News that God exists and that He is all powerful. . .
The Mt. Sinai of the New Covenant
God gave a covenant to Israel at Mt. Sinai. As Christians, we have a better covenant.
The Shroud of Turin is Not the Burial Clothes of Jesus
The controversy over the Shroud of Turin being the burial garment of Jesus could have been resolved hundreds of years ago, if the Church had simply turned to the Gospel of John.
St. Mark - Author of Book of Hebrews?
The authorship of the New Testament Book of Hebrews has been questioned in one way or another ever since the time of the early Church Fathers. The writer of this paper is suggesting a name seldom mentioned as a possible author of the Book of Hebrews.
Walking with God in a Troubled World
Being able to walk and talk with His creation was God's desire from the very beginning. Without God's input, man becomes hopelessly confused and disoriented about all kinds of things.
Where is God in All This Mess?
The amazing thing about the Bible is how relevant it is. It alone presents answers to our most basic questions. It's not that we will understand all mysteries by reading the Bible. But we will have a perspective that sets our minds at ease regarding the ultimate outcome of world events.
Why, Lord, Why?
The Bible from cover to cover expresses God's great goodness, love and forgiveness. For us mortals who have need of His constant forgiveness, care and comfort, we can know that His love endures forever.