Creation Centers

Robert E. Gentet

© 2011

Since the CCC Model is Young Earth, it accepts a literal 6-day Creation Week. However, the CCC Model emphasizes the need to pay special attention to the details of Creation Week. The biblical record provides possible clues in understanding the geologic record. Because the Curse on the Earth began soon after Man’s Creation, strata and fossils then began to be formed due to local catastrophic events.

The CCC Model considers the Genesis One account to indicate that specific plants and animals were placed at individual “creation centers.” For example, in Eden God created specific plants and animals [angiosperms and mammals ] that humans found most useful for food, clothing and shelter. Fossils of these life forms are commonly found in the upper geologic layers around the world. The lower strata accumulated before these “specialized” life forms had time to proliferate and migrate from their relatively small point of origin in Eden. Today, almost the entire Earth has “Eden type” fauna and flora.

The distribution of plant and animal life on the Earth has vastly changed from the time of Creation Week to the present day. The original placement of the “kinds” of plants and animals (in various geographic areas) played a vital role in later fossil preservation in each local geologic record. The original creation centers determined how life would spread out over the Earth, as the food chain expanded in each area. The extent of the food chain would also determine what life forms were available for fossilization in each area during geologic events. Migration played a vital factor as fossilization gives evidence of ever-changing conditions.